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Transforming your ability to
thrive in the gray area

Neuro Reconditioning is for human performance professionals like you 
(Clinical Therapists, Strength Coaches, Movement Practitioners)
to thrive in the gray area between rehab and performance.

This quintessential curriculum helps you master the tactical integration of rehab, neuroscience and training
to help your clients from the sub-acute stage to return to performance,
so that you not only set yourself apart as a professional,
but also manage challenges and complicated cases with confidence.


Integrate your education and skills seamlessly for client buy-in and results.

Use the right tool, in the right place at the right time.
Work smarter, not harder

Be the sought-after leader you are meant to be.

Scott Livingston and Jaime Livingston

With over 50+ years of combined experience, Jaime and Scotty know, and have proven, the power that comes from integrating the strengths of therapy and training.

They have successfully coached and rehabilitated world-class Olympic Medalists, professional and collegiate athletes, amateur sport enthusiasts as well as everyday folk to reach their physical potential through their system called Neuro Reconditioning.

Neuro Reconditioning integrates the strengths of therapy training and applied neurology to enhance a performance professional’s expertise in applying purposeful, effective action getting results faster, with client buy-in, skillfully navigating issues and establishing professional value as a leader in human performance. Learn More

Listen, reflect and get inspired to leave your own mark as Scotty gathers profound learnings from other successful humans in this podcast.

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Have Questions? We have the answer!

If you are a professional working in human performance this curriculum is for you. A human performance professional is someone who has a current client base, creates plans and interventions for your clients to improve their movement potential. Examples would be manual therapists (AT, PhT, Chiro, Massage, etc.), strength and conditioning coaches, trainers, physiologists, and kinesiologists.

Not at all. If you are a professional that works with clients to improve their movement, Neuro Reconditioning is the system to help you do that efficiently and effectively. Our graduates work in all sorts of environments: gyms, schools, clinics, performance centres, in people’s homes, with teams, in small boutique spaces, in large multidisciplinary centres. And with many different groups: the armed forces, essential services, the general population, children, students, professionals, teams, fitness classes, weekend warriors, amateur and professional athletes.

Yes. Our courses have CEUs available through the CATA for Athletic Therapists in Canada. Most other certifying bodies also recognize the hourly time allotment for CEUs as well, even without a specific CEU arrangement with